Anchor Rod Training

Please read and understand the information below, then complete the test at the bottom of the page and submit to receive credit for your training.

Hampton Tedder must validate each anchor rod assembly before burying.

  1. Every pole tag will have a time stamped photo taken. (See attached photos)
  2. Every hole dug will have a time stamped photo taken with a measuring tape visible.
  3. Every anchor assembly will have a time stamped photo of the anchor rod assembly lying on the ground.
  4. Every hole will have a time stamped photo of the anchor rod assembly lying in the hole with a measuring tape visible.
  5. Every hole will have a supervisor witness the anchor rod assembly in the hole before it is buried and compacted.
  6. Every anchor rod will have a time stamped photo taken of the head of the anchor protruding out of the ground in compliance with SCE specifications.
  7. Hampton Tedder’s Quick Base data content management control system (‘‘CMS”) will have barriers built in which require photos be placed in the system as QC requirements.
  8. Hampton Tedders Quality Control (‘‘QC”) process will now include validation of photos and inspections.

Ensure that ALL Required Photos are Taken and Time Stamped: