Hand Tools and Power Tools

S 15. Hand Tools

Employees should use only tools and equipment which are in good condition, and only for the purpose for which they are designed. When proper and safe tools are not available for the work at hand, the employee shall report the fact to his/her supervisor. All tools should be inspected at regular intervals, kept clean and lubricated.

Tools which develop defects while in use should be removed from service, tagged, and not used again until placed in good condition. Impact tools with mushroomed heads such as chisels, drills, hammers, and wedges should not be used until they have been reconditioned. Hammers, axes, shovels, and similar tools should not be used if the handles are loose, cracked or splintered. Defective wrenches, such as open-end and adjustable wrenches with spread jaws or pipe wrenches with dull teeth, should not be used as they are likely to slip. Pipe or other extensions should not be used on a wrench handle to increase the leverage unless the wrench is specifically designed for use for such extensions. Metal rulers, metal tape lines, or tape lines containing wires shall not be used around electric conductors or equipment. Sharp-edged or pointed tools shall have the edge or point guarded when not in use. Files or other tools with pointed tangs should be equipped with suitable handles.

S 16. Power Tools

When performing maintenance or inspection on power tools, remove from all power sources. Before installing a new grinding wheel on a grinder, it should be given a “ring” test by supporting it free and tapping lightly with a wood object. If the wheel is not defective, it will give a clear metallic tone. When changing a grinding wheel, make sure that the rated speed of the wheel exceeds the maximum speed of the rotor. Grinding wheels should be equipped with safety washers. When starting a grinding wheel, stand to one side out of line of flying particles in case the wheel breaks. Always wear a suitable face shield or safety glasses when using a grinding wheel. Where practical, wheels should also be equipped with transparent shields and wheel guards. Keep the tool rest close to the wheel of the grinder to prevent work being caught between the rest and the rotating wheel. Never adjust a tool rest while the wheel is in motion.

When using pneumatic tools, be sure that all couplings are secure and proper fittings are used (not hose clamps). Pneumatic and electric-drive hand tools should be equipped with controls that will stop the tool when the operator’s hand is removed from the controlling valve or switch.

Before drilling through paving, walls or floors, check to be sure you will not cut into cables, conduits, or pipes. When operating a drill press, never hold small work in the hands; always use a clamp or jig.

Portable electric tools should meet one of the following requirements:
-Be equipped with 3-wire cord having the ground wire permanently connected to the tool frame and a means for grounding the other end.
-Be connected to the power supply by means of a fully insulated isolating transformer.
-Be of the “double insulated” type.
-Be completely self-contained
-Extension cords shall be maintained in a safe condition. Worn or frayed cords and broken plugs shall be promptly replaced. Extension cords with exposed metal sockets shall not be used.