HTE – Code of Conduct Rev. 01-2025
It is important to acknowledge that while we cannot provide an exhaustive list of all potential offenses that could result in disciplinary action, including termination, we strive to offer guidance on conduct that may lead to such actions. Unacceptable behavior, even if not specifically listed below, that negatively impacts the Company, its employees, customers, or the public, may result in discipline, up to and including immediate discharge.
To ensure clarity, the following conduct is considered unacceptable and will not be tolerated:
1. Inadequate Job Performance
Failure or refusal to perform job duties satisfactorily, including not following instructions, neglecting Company policies or procedures, or consistently failing to meet performance standards.
2. Tardiness and Absenteeism
Failure to report to work on time or as scheduled, including unauthorized absences, failure to adhere to time limits for breaks, or leaving work early without prior approval. Excessive absences or failure to notify supervisors about authorized absences (e.g., illness, vacation) will also result in discipline.
3. Insubordination and Disruptive Conduct
Refusal or unreasonable delay in following instructions; inappropriate, disrespectful, or abusive behavior or language toward others (including employees, supervisors, clients, or business contacts); violation of the Company’s client relations policies; physical altercations; or threats of harm to others.
4. Harassment and Discrimination
Sexual harassment or any form of discriminatory behavior based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic, in violation of Company policies or local law.
5. Health and Safety Violations
Failure to adhere to the Company’s health and safety regulations or actions that endanger the health and safety of oneself or others. This includes the possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons on Company property or within work premises.
6. Destruction or Misuse of Company Property
Willful or negligent damage, misuse, or destruction of Company property, or the property of other employees, clients, or business partners.
7. Dishonesty and Abuse of Company Policies
Dishonest behavior, such as providing false or incomplete information for personnel records, falsifying applications, or misrepresenting facts. Misuse of Company policies, including the unauthorized possession of Company property, abuse of sick leave, or being under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or illegal drugs during work hours or on Company property, is prohibited.
8. Misuse of Time
Neglecting job responsibilities, interfering with other employees’ work, sleeping during work hours, or engaging in activities that distract from job duties and productivity.
9. Theft or Pilfering
Taking or tampering with Company property, client property, or another employee’s belongings without authorization.
10. Illegal Activities
Engaging in illegal behavior or committing a criminal offense that:
• Reflects unfitness for the job or a violation of trust.
• Adversely affects or poses a potential threat to the Company, its employees, customers, clients, or property.
• Results in imprisonment or criminal consequences that impair an employee’s ability to perform their job duties.
Additional Notes:
This list is not exhaustive, and it is important to understand that actions not specifically outlined may still result in disciplinary action if they harm or disrupt the Company or its stakeholders. The Company expects employees to abide by our established Code of Conduct and adhere to all Company policies, as well as relevant local laws and regulations.
As outlined in our employee handbook, employment with the Company is at-will, meaning it can be terminated by either the employee or the Company, with or without cause and with or without advance notice. The Company reserves the right to use discretion in determining the appropriate disciplinary action for any violation. Importantly, no formal system or proof of cause is required for discipline, and exempt employees are not subject to disciplinary actions that would affect their exempt status under applicable labor laws.
We encourage all employees to review and understand these expectations to help maintain a positive, productive, and respectful workplace.