Portable Ladders

SCE APM 134. Portable Ladders

a. When employees are working from a portable ladder, the ladder shall be securely placed and held,
tied, or otherwise made secure to prevent slipping or falling. Portable rung and cleat ladders shall,
where possible, be used at such a pitch that the horizontal distance from the top support to the foot
of the ladder is one quarter of the working length of the ladder (the length along the ladder between
the foot and the top support). All portable ladders, except stepladders, shall be equipped with
nonslip bases.
b. Wire truss and portable metal ladders shall not be used in the vicinity of exposed energized circuits.
Any such ladders used for authorized purposes shall be legibly marked “Caution — Do Not Use
Around Electrical Equipment.”
c. Wooden ladders shall not be painted with a pigment based paint.
d. When using portable ladders to gain access to roofs, landings, underground structures, trenches,
excavations, and so forth, the side rails shall extend a minimum distance of three feet above the
point of support.
e. Permanently installed underground structure ladders shall not be used if removed from their
designed supportive assembly.
f. Ladders shall not be placed in front of doors opening toward the ladder unless the door is open,
locked, or guarded.
g. Employees shall face the ladder and use both hands when climbing or descending.
h. When work from a ladder requires reaching to one side, the center of the employee’s body shall
not extend beyond the side rails unless work positioning equipment (for example, Lineman’s Belt,
Body Belt) or fall restraint is utilized.
i. Employees shall not use ladders with broken or missing steps, broken side rails, or other defects.
j. Employees shall not use benches, boxes, tools, chairs, or other makeshift substitutes as ladders.
k. Employees shall not stand or climb on the top cap or the step below the top cap of stepladders
without the use of fall protection.
l. Employees shall not sit on the top cap of stepladders without the use of fall protection.
EXCEPTION: Employees may sit on the top cap of stepladders that are 4 feet or shorter.